Needlecraft Mystery Series by Monica Ferris
Crewel Yule
Framed In Lace
Crewel World
Hanging by a Thread
A Stitch in Time
A Murderous Yarn
Unraveled Sleeve
A Candlemaking Mystery by Tim Myers:
At Wick's End
Snuffed Out
Benni Harper mysteries by Earlene Fowler
Fool's Puzzle
Irish Chain
Kansas Troubles
Goose in the Pond
Dove in the Window
Mariner's Compass
Seven Sisters
Arkansas Traveler
Steps to the Altar
Sunshine and Shadow
Broken Dishes
Single Books in quilting:
Buried in Quilts by Sara Hoskinson Frommer
A Scrapbooking Mystery series by Laura Childs
Photo Finished
Keepsake Crimes
Bound for Murder
Unfortunately we can't read them all! Please submit book
titles that fit this subject! Any submissions will be submitted for a monthly drawing for a used cozy mystery.
List prepared by
S. Shearer 2004 - Not to be used on other sites